Public and community housing is not emergency accommodation. If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless there are crisis services that can help you.
Public and community housing is mainly for vulnerable and low income households who can't access or maintain other forms of accommodation like renting privately. There are limited numbers of public and community housing available.
Visit HomeSeeker SA to find other services that could help you find a home.
You can register for all types of public and community housing you are eligible for, or just for public housing.
Don't have a Housing Connect account? Set up an account.
You can register your interest in public and community housing if you:
Your household’s income must be less than or equal to the income and asset limits, unless you have special circumstances. There may be more conditions if you are registering for community housing.
You can’t register for public housing if you have been excluded from SA Housing Trust services because of:
Check if you have a debt with your Housing Connect Account.
If there is more than one household group in your registration, for example, a couple with a child and a financially independent elderly parent, both households need to be eligible or have special circumstances.
Provide proof of income and identity for everyone in your household aged 16 and over.
Choose the areas you are prepared to live in:
Give details about any special circumstances you have. You may be asked to provide proof.
Provide confirmation of Aboriginality if you are registering for Aboriginal housing or housing managed by the SA Housing Trust in an Aboriginal community.
You will get a letter telling you if your registration has been successful. You may be asked to provide more information or attend an appointment to talk about your situation.
Registrations are placed into a category based on your need. People with the highest level of need are generally offered housing first.
Each year SA Housing Trust will write to you to check your registration is up to date. Respond to this letter if you still want to be registered.
Update your contact details or cancel your registration at any time:
Otherwise, complete a Change of circumstances form (449.6 KB PDF) and return it to SA Housing Trust or your preferred community housing provider.
Changes could include:
If you were removed from someone else’s registration, you could be eligible to have your own registration. Contact SA Housing Trust or your preferred community housing provider to talk about your situation.