Employee Leave Application Form Sample

Format of Employee Leave Application Form sample available for free download. You can customize it according to your office or company requirements. For more options, visit the staff leave application form. We provided 7 different leave forms for all types of companies; select the best for your school, college, or company employees.

Sample Leave Form Format in Word 2

Title: _______ Name:_____________________

Reasons of Leave : ________________________

Days: _____ From Dated: _/__To: __/__

Applicants Signature: _______ Date: ________

Manager Remarks: _______________

Approved /Not Approved: _________

Director’s Signature: _____ Dated: /____

Sample Leave Application Form Template 3

Sample leave application format form for office, school, company, business, organization, or business. This leave application form sample is taken from a multinational company and includes annual leave, casual leave, sick leave, maternity leave, and LWOP leave. The first section includes personal information. The second section includes the type of leave and reason. The third section includes leaving recommendations. The fourth section is for the record of the HR Department or HCD. The format is available in MS Word for free download.

Company Name, and Logo Here

Employee’s Name : __________________
Designation : _______________________
Department :___________ Employee code : ___________

Type of Leave : Annual _____ Casual ____ Sick ____
Maternity___ LWOP _____
Ful Day ____ Half Day ___ Short Leave ___
From: ________ To: ________ No. of Leave(s): ________

Employee Signature: __________ Date: ___________

Recommend By Manager: __________________

Signature: ___________ Date: ____________

Approved By Department GM: ______________

Signature: __________ Date: _____________

Information To:-

General Manager _____ General Manager _____ CEO _____

HR Department

Type of Leave Previous Balance On This From Current Balance

Staff Leave Request Form Sample 4

Sample Office Staff Leave application form template for leave, annual leave, school staff leave form, or office leave form. Staff leave form format is available for free download. This staff leave form template is taken from a multinational company, can be used for sick leave, casual leave, annual leave, or CPL leave.

Company Name & Logo


E. Code______________ D.o.J ________________

Name: _______________ F.Name: ______________

Designation: ____________ Department: __________

Nature of Leave: ____ From(Date) _____ To ____ Total Days ____

Reason for Leave ____________________

Signature of Applicant Supervisor Head of Departmen

(For Admin Department Use)