A child custody evaluation is an investigation of your child's health, safety, welfare, and best interests by a trained mental health professional (an evaluator). At the end of the investigation, the evaluator will provide a report to you and the judge with a recommendation for a parenting plan in your child's best interests.
In any case with serious allegations of child sexual abuse or child abuse, a lengthier evaluation is required. This type of evaluation will also include consultation with child welfare services and law enforcement and an investigation into the allegations. The evaluator's report will also include how to ensure the child's safety.
PRINT EMAILIf you and your child's other parent cannot agree on a parenting plan, the judge can order a child custody evaluation. Usually, parents pay a fee for the service.
The judge will appoint a child custody evaluator to do the investigation. A child custody evaluator is a trained psychologist or other mental health professional. The evaluator may be someone from the court (but not your mediator) or a private professional.
Why would a judge order an evaluation?The judge needs more information: A judge may order an evaluation if they need more information to make a decision about a parenting plan that is in your child's best interests. They may also order one if your family court services mediator recommended it.
You or the other parent request one: A judge can also order one if you and your child's other parent asks for an evaluation.
Allegations of abuse: The judge must order an evaluation if there's been serious allegations of child sexual abuse or child abuse.
During the investigation, the evaluator may
If there are serious allegations of child sexual abuse or child abuse, the investigation will include more steps. For example, the evaluator must consult child welfare services and law enforcement and may request a medical exam of the child.
The evaluator will write a report describing what they found in their investigation.
If there were serious allegations of abuse, the report will also include recommendations for how to ensure the child's safety and meet any theuraputic needs.
If you have a hearing date, you will get a copy of the report at least 10 days before the hearing.
There are steps you can take if you disagree with the report or have a complaint about the evaluator. Learn more
If you object to something in the evaluator's report
You can ask for a court date (hearing) to explain your concerns to the judge. If you do not have a lawyer, you may want to speak with one.
If you have a complaint about the evaluator
If you have a complaint against an evaluator with Family Court Services, talk to the director of Family Court Services program in your court to find out about the complaint process.
If your complaint is about ethical conduct or licensing issues, there are state licensing boards that address complaints about licensed professionals. File a complaint with the Board of Behavioral Sciences or the Board of California Board of Psychology.
You can find more information about child custody evaluations in Form FL-329-INFO.